Barney’s Journey with Laser Therapy

In early August of this year, a sweet pup, lost and in need of care, showed up at the home of a family in our area.
This wonderful family took the pup in with the hopes of uniting him with his owners. Unfortunately, on Friday, August 16th, the pup got hit by a car and needed immediate medical attention. Pell City Animal Hospital told them to bring him in!
Sandi Paws Rescue, a wonderful organization that takes in strays, pulls puppies/adult dogs from shelters, provides medical care, sets up foster homes, and then finds permanent homes for these fur babies, offered to take this injured pup into their rescue. He was surrendered to SPR and left in the care of the doctors and staff at PCAH.
After assessing his injuries and finding 4 breaks to his right rear leg, the doctors decided that amputating the leg was the best solution for a quick and full recovery. Dr. Farmer performed the surgery the next day.
Animals are AMAZING! This precious pup, now given the name "Barney," was up and walking the very next morning. Barney's story attracted the attention of many, and SPR is appreciative of those who contributed to help cover the medical expenses of this pup.
As is the case after most surgeries, to reduce pain and inflammation and speed healing, Barney received laser therapy. After staying at PCAH for almost a week, Barney was taken to his foster home to fully recover. Just two weeks later, he was ready to go to his forever home!
We (and Barney) want to thank the family who took Barney in and sought help at Pell City Animal Hospital after he was hit by a car. Thank you to Summer Cofield Shears and Sandi Paws Rescue for accepting Barney into your wonderful rescue so that he could have the 2nd chance that he deserved. Thank you to the doctors and staff at PCAH for your love and care and treatment of this appreciative fellow! And thanks to each of you for being part of a community that cares about our precious fur babies!
"Saving just one dog won't save the world, but surely it will change the world for that one dog." THANKS to all who played a role in changing the world for Barney!
At Pell City Animal Hospital, so that our staff and doctors are up to date on the latest available procedures in veterinary medicine, we periodically have learning sessions during our monthly staff meetings. Having had his leg amputated just 4 days prior to our meeting, Barney was the perfect patient for the various laser therapy demonstrations! The expressions on his sweet face assure you that this noninvasive treatment is comfortable for the patient while reducing pain and inflammation and increasing healing speed.